fredag den 27. september 2013

Børnehave og skoleudvikling på tværs ef landegrænser

Sommeren 2012 drog vi til Ljubljana for at tale om hvorfor det er så svært at overføre gode udviklingsideer indenfor læring, børnehavedesign og skoleudvikling lande imellem.

I forbindelse med at vi etablerer denne blog og er ved at udvikle en dansk hjemmeside har vi nedlagt den del af vores hjemmeside hvor informationen om vores tur lå og derfor smider vi indlægget ind her i stedet.

Sharing the knowledge of kindergarten design

All over the world the rules we have to follow varies. And often when visiting schools and other learning environments we hear people saying stuff along the lines “This is so great but in our country we are not allowed to …”.

So how do we find ways to get inspired, to develop together and to take the good ideas home without our culture and bureaucracy becoming an obstacle for adaption and development?

We try to analyse this as we go around the world studying learning environments and cultures. I’d like to put emphasis on the and in the former sentence, if we are to take anything we see outside our own borders home, we must consider the culture we saw it in. Too many times do we experience people taking a good idea from one place copying it to their own place without reflecting on what changes are needed to adapt, or better yet, integrate it to fit into their culture and system.

During this summer we met up with architect Jure Kotnik in Ljubljana to talk about the differences in kindergarten design and rules and how to make sharing good ideas easier around the world. Not a question we solved over the few days we were there but the beginning of project that hopefully many children will benefit from in the future.

Link to pictures from the two kindergartens that Jure designed extensions to: VRTEC JARSE & VRTEC JELKA

Studie af Sydkoreas skolesystem

I sommeren 2012 valgte vi at tage til Sydkorea for at studere en af de hurtigst voksende økonomier i verden og se hvordan deres uddannelsessystem og undervisning foregår. Med hjælp fra vores netværk af udlændinge med engelsk som modersmål der arbejder på Sydkoreanske skoler som engelsklærere og KEDI (Korean Educational Development Institute) fik vi besøgt til en masse skoler og talt med lærere, ledelse og elever.

Vi deltog også i OECDs  konference om universitetsmiljøer der blev afholdt i Seoul og blev i den forbindelse hyret til nogle dage senere at lave et oplæg for KEDIs organisation. Vi har for nylig haft besøg af en delegation fra KEDI der gerne ville se og diskutere skoler og undervisning i Skandinavien.

I forbindelse med at vi etablerer denne blog og er ved at udvikle en dansk hjemmeside har vi nedlagt den del af vores hjemmeside hvor informationen om vores studietur lå og derfor smider vi indlægget ind her i stedet.

Studying South Korea

As one of the fastest growing economies in the world, South Korea is in the middle of a fascinating development. We went to explore the educational system and see some different learning environments.

We visited two elementary schools, three middle schools, 1 high school and two universities. All which you can see pictures of through our worldwide page (the pics here are links too).

As you might notice the architecture is almost identical on all the schools, but there a small differences, prides and efforts that separates them. For instance in Suncheon Maesan Girls High School they have a music house where the wind instrument band led by the very enthusiastic and engaged conductor and teacher showed us why it’s the pride of the school.
In Neulpureun Middle School they have a monitoring room where the teacher is videotaped while teaching so she can review her own lesson and teaching techniques alone or with her co workers. 4 times a year she reviews it with her management.

One of the things that we noticed all of the schools have (all a little bit different) is a broadcasting room, a room where the children can film and broadcast live or recorded to all the classrooms in the school. In Denmark we still have speakers (no image) where the sound can be hard to understand/interpret because of the quality and mostly the staff delivers the messages.

South Korea is a polite and respectful culture where a lot of education is focused on learning by heart, while the big corporations all show a lot of innovative thinking. Until now the corporations and the educational system has shown that it can lead in development. The development has brought on new challenges and it will be interesting to see if the educational environment will change to meet the demands of the new job market and ways of living or if people will develop the skills outside the system. Whichever, it will have to happen if South Korea is to keep up its growth and development.

torsdag den 26. september 2013

Skole og børnehaveudvikling med OECD, Verdensbanken og bystyret i Moskva

I sommeren 2012 var vi i Moskva for at deltage i en workshop organiseret af OECD, Verdensbanken og bystyret i Moskva. Formålet var at samle eksperter til at udvikle deres skoler og børnehaver blandt andet i Sibirien hvor man har store udfordringer med permafrost.

I forbindelse med at vi etablerer denne blog og er ved at udvikle en dansk hjemmeside har vi nedlagt den del af vores hjemmeside hvor informationen om vores deltagelse lå og derfor smider vi indlægget ind her i stedet.

moscow workshop
We went to Moscow to participate in a workshop on the development of learning environments in kindergartens and schools. Click the image to get our slides in Russian and email us if you would like them in English ... and happy summer in the northern hemisphere.

Uddannelse i Mexico, INIFED konference i 2011

I november 2011 var vi til konference i Mexico om uddannelse, hvor vi bidrog med et oplæg og en workshop om forbindelsen mellem pædagogik og det fysiske miljø.

I forbindelse med at vi etablerer denne blog og er ved at udvikle en dansk hjemmeside har vi nedlagt den del af vores hjemmeside hvor informationen om vores deltagelse på INIFEDs konference lå og smider vi indlægget ind her i stedet.


Congress on physical educational infrastructure

In November were at the 10th International congress on physical educational infrastructure development organised by INIFED, Mexico’s national institute of education and physical infrastructure.

It was a 3 day congress with lectures, sessions with experts and workshops. The focus of the congress, to develop the infrastructure of educational environments offered examples and experts from all over the world: The United Arab Emirates, Australia, Argentina, Chile, Costa Rica, Denmark, Finland, Guatemala, Jamaica, Barbados, Honduras, United States, Spain, the Dominican Republic and Mexico participated. was there to talk about the connection between pedagogics and physical environment. From examples from the schools in Denmark we have been a part of developing, we questioned the traditional way of organising learning environments with class rooms and long hall ways and talked about the way our brains search for patterns and our bodies behave in nature and natural learning situations


Hellerup skole får fortsat stor opmærksom i udlandet

Derfor har vi tidligere haft langt information på vores engelske hjemmeside. I forbindelse med at vi etablerer denne blog og er ved at udvikle en dansk hjemmeside har vi nedlagt denne del af vores hjemmeside og smider indlæggene ind her i stedet.

Hellerup School

Hellerup school is known worldwide for being the first modern school with a continuous open learning spaces and is visited by school developers from all over the world who wish to be inspired to rethink learning spaces in their cultures. Everybody are surprised with the acoustics, the eager students and the atmosphere that suggests that here’s a space full of happy students and adults cooperating in learning, experimenting and enjoying each others input.

Jens Guldbæk was CEO the and driving force in the school development project in the municipality of Gentofte north of Copenhagen. The development project called SKUB involved the conversion of 11 schools, construction of 1 school, multi centers, dental clinics and libraries.

The innovative overall project has received several awards and is best known for Hellerup school which is a prime example of rethinking learning environments and the courage leaving the know behind.

All the individual projects had the users in the center of the development. It was a crucial principle to rethink the organization of the development processes, to plan dynamically and involve users and stakeholders to use their knowledge to develop a better school.

The building was designed in collaboration with Arkitema Architects.

movie physical environments